NDID Service Enhancement for BAAC

Exploration and speculation that leverage and enhance the NDID product to fit between the value of BAAC and farmers

BAAC, Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives had been looking for prospect initiative to enhance NDID enrollment service. We had been exploring and speculating through farmer life cycle cross with business touchpoints. By collaboratively working with key players, we came up with a potential strategic move that help the bank increase business touchpoints, revenue, and adoption rate.



Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives


2020, 6 weeks


A pair of BA and Designer


Product strategy


Since a majority of the product and data are confidential and under NDA, I can only talk about the outline of the design and my process in which all information was discover as of project duration.

For more information please contact me — hedhundred@gmail.com

Opportunity exploration inside agriculture x national ID service


How might we make the bank eco-system products and services become stronger and connected by leveraging the advantage of NDID enrollment?”

First things first, NDID authentication and verification require heavy effort from users, traditional farmers, and vulnerable low-income personas. There are huge constraints we need to balance with the benefit such as low-budget, challenging of tech legacy, shifting product thinking mindset. The focus shift to the low hanging-fruit strategy with the main question.

Beginning with breaking down the whole research into 4 pillars of knowledge that we would like to explore for a better understanding of the power of NDID, agriculture market landscape, and current situation and pain point in Thailand agriculture industry.


Global & government approach toward NDID service

Over 70% of successful NDID nation has an adoption rate of citizens, which was collaboratively built between the public sector and the private sector through services like financial services, life insurance, online merchants, and government services accessibility. We assume that is the attractive use case will trigger enrollment. Even though there are a lot of citizens who have digital IDs, it does not mean the adoption rate will increase.


Agriculture innovation landscape

In fact, the state of agriculture in Thailand is growing every year. The report found an increase of young progressive farmers who wisely apply technology in the process. However, it was not exponential raising, because we stuck with the support from the government. Anyway, based on the BAAC context, challenging is way more on trust and tech-savvy.


BAAC, organizational research

In the case of organizational research, we are interested in a roadmap and internal problems that possibly block opportunities for growth. After conducting workshops and analyzing the data, there are many attractive products that can be used as pilot projects to increase NDID enrollment while creating more return on investment.


User research ( farmer and operation teams )

Based on Thailand farmer segmentation, we select the smart farmer who is the majority of active and being good customers, familiar with technology, and welcome change for better agriculture to be a priority persona.

Targeting personas group


Creating the big leap with the business opportunity growth up to 98% of customer base with only farmers.

Focusing on the majority of farmers which is called ‘smart farmers’ (S2.2) then S2.1 that has been significantly nationwide increasing who has the potential to scale the impact of provided product and service from NDID enrollment.

within lifecycle

Drawing the farmer life cycle with business-related units gave us the holistic view of dots connecting and being the anchor point for further activities.

Developing initiative over the relationship between farmer lifecycle and bank touchpoints through a design sprint. Tons of ideas came out, but not every good idea fits in an intersection value. We mapped the idea back to the farmer life cycle in which there are layers like media channels, existing products and services, and touchpoints between BAAC and farmers that NDID can fit in.



Even the relationship between farmer life cycle, idea, and BAAC ecosystem are in a positive position, but need to be able to nail down and set the priority into…

Short term

Should actively kick off or cannot wait until the idea expires or time passes by.

Middle term

Should insert the concept testing inside the roadmap to validate

Long term

Good ideas, but maybe not ready to take in some reason

Idea Template

To prioritize all of those ideas, we initiate the framework as a template that questions many important aspects such as income-generating, idea scalability, limitation of NDID level requirement, and how it responds to the bank’s vision & mission.



Getting closer to ideas in real life, we recommended the product validation pipeline that helps the bank gain confidence in the investment.

01 Discovery

Define problem space and shape ideas with an idea template. Prioritize product based on impact and value.


Prototype and test before any implementation. Experiment with proof of concept which will give an opportunity to learn from the actual market with real data and behavior


Aligning vision(the why), direction(where it goes), and MVP scope(how it will be built and look) of product with success metric among relatives and authority dedicated cross-functional team.

04 MVP

Let's ship the MVP product that scales and Iteratively learn on it with full right of autonomy and decision making.




More than half of recommended initiatives got high attention from executives since they determined to apply them into the organization roadmap further.



The new product validation process and way of working were used within the bank and strategy department as a pilot product team.